Well, Eau Claire residents, it is definitely time to change over your wardrobe to fit this weather. By about 2:00 pm today, temperatures in Eau Claire reached 80 degrees F. Currently, the temperature is 58 degrees F with a relative humidity of 53%. The skies are clear, allowing for a good visual of the waning crescent moon. The winds are completely calm right now. The current dew point is 41 degrees F and the barometric pressure is 29.99 in Hg. This rapidly falling pressure is indicative of a low pressure system and a cold front. For anyone out there that, like me, suffers wildly from allergies, today and yesterday have been a difficult 10.0 out of 12.0 on the pollen watch.
Tonight, the temperatures are evening out across the country. The coldest areas are in the Rockies. Although this is partly due to orographic factors, low pressure systems attached to occluded fronts are also playing into this cold pocket in the country. |
Below is the change of the surface map over the course of the day.
Earlier in the day, we were seeing only high pressure and fair weather on the horizon for Wisconsin. |
By late evening, the cold front and low pressure systems from the NW moved into the map's view. This front will continue to work its way towards our area. Fortunately, the system will only threaten to bring rain. |
This jet stream map is quit unlike what we have seen over the course of the last few months. The low pressure systems across the country can be seen in this map by finding the counterclockwise circles in the jet stream. |
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